Sunday, 2 December 2012

Introducing Mr Swiz

From 1998 to approximately august 2008 I would go to Fichtre bookstore        

 (every two weeks) to purchase cool local stuff. They would sell mostly comics, zines and some electronic music. That`s where I discovered Vromb (amazing local insectoid experimental techno), Aphex Twin (UK weirdo techno) and Autechre (excuse me while I slowly vomit). I bought and traded a lot of zines, and a few comics. They would also have a small section of original local artwork for sale. One Saturday afternoon I was there scoping out zines next to the cash register. That`s when something behind the counter caught my eye. There it was, small black and white art pieces hanging on the wall. How can I describe this ? Psychedelic drawings with a punk, urban attitude maybe ? Here, look at them (you be the judge).

They were selling them five dollars a piece. I had twenty dollars left so I bought four of them. I went back the following week unfortunately everything was sold out. About a month later, I met the artist, the talented Mr Swiz. A soft spoken and shy person. I asked him what kind of pen or brush he was using. He introduced me to the PENTEL GFKF JAPAN brush

 I bought one at a local art store. I tried it and it was love at first sight. I still use the same brush today. Whenever I find some Mr Swiz  art in a comic or a zine, I always (if I have enough money) purchase said item. I really like his drawings. Sadly, Fichtre bookstore closed down circa 2010. I don`t know if Mr Swiz is still active. You can find more info here:                                                          

and here:

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