I enjoy watching
documentaries for education purposes, knowledge and sheer
curiosity. There`s always something to learn in life. The day you stop
learning is the day where apathy sets in, you`re jaded, and you`re
intellectually dead. Regarding documentaries, I buy them, trade them and
download them. You can find lots of interesting and challenging stuff here:
I download
documentaries because I watch most of them before my shift on my small
16 Go Ainol portable player (with a nice 5 inch screen). Here`s some of
my recent discoveries. Let`s see, we have:
The Book that Can't Be Read
The subject of the
matter is the Voynich manuscript. It is described as "the world's most
mysterious manuscript", it dates to the early 15th century (1404–1438).
It is named after the book dealer Wilfrid Voynich who bought it in
1912. It is written in a mysterious, unknown language (possibly some form
of encrypted ciphertext). All efforts to translate it were vain.
There`s some plants illustrations but most of the plants do not match
known species. What`s it purpose? Is there a purpose? Is it an
alchemical document? An esoteric, occult document? Could it be a hoax?
You be the judge. I also discovered that `the book that can`t be read `
is part of `Naked Science` which is a series of documentaries from
National Geographic (9 seasons with approximately 141 episodes). I `ll
see if can find some more on www.youtube.com . I`m hooked.
My overall quote: 8/10
The beer factor: to quote the intellectual savior Damien Sandow, SILENCE ! I`ve watched it sober, before my shift.
You can also read and/or download the Voynich manuscript here:
You can also watch it here:
The devil`s bible
The Codex Gigas (and no it`s not what you`re thinking big E) is the world's
largest and most mysterious medieval manuscript. It`s a huge book too it
weighs 165 pounds (it`s allegedly made from the skin of 160 donkeys, so
they say). There`s an incredible image of the devil, the book is filled
demonic spells and satanic imagery. Legend says the text was written in
a single night by a doomed monk`s pact with the Devil himself. National
Geographics follows a team of scientists who are trying to unravel all
the Codex Gigas hidden secrets. This is extremely interesting. I will try to find an english version of the Codex Gigas online. I have a fascination for ancient occult, esoteric literature.
My overall quote: 8/10
The beer factor: irrelevant, I`ve seen this one before my shift, you`re welcome. You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oqABkyNQL0
The revelation of the pyramids
I won`t give you a description this time around, yes it`s that mind
challenging i.e good. No oerall quotes, no beer factor included, just
watch it this I command!!! More information
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2124189/?ref_=sr_1 You can watch it just here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgZRKxd5dEY