Saturday, 30 March 2013

a couple of recommended documentaries

I enjoy watching documentaries for education purposes, knowledge and sheer curiosity. There`s always something to learn in life. The day you stop learning is the day where apathy sets in, you`re jaded, and you`re intellectually dead. Regarding documentaries, I buy them, trade them and download them. You can find lots of interesting and challenging stuff here:

I download documentaries because I watch most of them before my shift on my small 16 Go Ainol portable player (with a nice 5 inch screen). Here`s some of my recent discoveries. Let`s see, we have:

    The Book that Can't Be Read                                                                                                                          
    The subject of the matter is the Voynich manuscript. It is described as "the world's most mysterious manuscript", it  dates to the early 15th century (1404–1438). It is named after the book dealer Wilfrid Voynich who bought it in 1912. It is written in a mysterious, unknown language (possibly some form of encrypted  ciphertext). All efforts to translate it were vain. There`s some plants illustrations but most of the plants do not match known species. What`s it purpose? Is there a purpose? Is it an alchemical document? An esoteric, occult document? Could it be a hoax? You be the judge. I also discovered that `the book that can`t be read ` is part of `Naked Science` which is a series of documentaries from National Geographic (9 seasons with approximately 141 episodes). I `ll see if can find some more on . I`m hooked.
    My overall quote: 8/10
    The beer factor: to quote the intellectual savior Damien Sandow, SILENCE ! I`ve watched it sober, before my shift.
    You can also read and/or download the Voynich manuscript here: 
    You can also watch it here:

    The devil`s bible
    The Codex Gigas (and no it`s not what you`re thinking big E) is the world's largest and most mysterious medieval manuscript. It`s a huge book too it weighs 165 pounds (it`s allegedly made from the skin of 160 donkeys, so they say). There`s an incredible image of the devil, the book is filled demonic spells and satanic imagery. Legend says the text was written in a single night by a doomed monk`s pact with the Devil himself. National Geographics follows a team of scientists who are trying to unravel all the Codex Gigas hidden secrets. This is extremely interesting. I will try to find an english version of the Codex Gigas online. I have a fascination for ancient occult, esoteric literature.
    My overall quote: 8/10
    The beer factor: irrelevant, I`ve seen this one before my shift, you`re welcome.                                                                       You can watch it here:              

    The revelation of the pyramids
    I won`t give you a description this time around, yes it`s that mind challenging i.e good. No oerall quotes, no beer factor included, just watch it this I command!!! More information here:                                                                                                                                                               You can watch it just here:

Thursday, 28 March 2013

postcards galore

Here's some scans of some postcards that where lying around my place. Some are rare, some are cool (in a kitsch way you might say) and one' s a favorite of mine featuring one of my best horror movie villains, yes, the amazing, the mighty, the scary, Pinhead himself. Enjoy!

 old school baby
 old school sexiness, with class & attitude
 if I can be serious for a minute 'Leslie Nielsen'
 our long lost brother
 remember this one ?
Now that' s what I'm talking about, testify this baybee !!!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Gaulo Foshit + Jamegumb + Hell Garbage + Raketor – 4-way split (CD-R)

A really limited edition (30 copies) 4-way split consisting of four Florida based experimental \ noise artists. Let`s start things of with:
1- Gaulo Foshit delivers one track which is a mix of cutup noisy bursts + vocals (sounds more like an incantation) + animal samples (chickens, donkeys). This is an incredible ambient noise piece with meditative undertones. Definitely standout material indeed.
2- Jamegumb does four harsh, abrasive and highly pitched (screams included baby) noise pieces. It`s vocals with microphone sodomy.
3- Hell Garbage does a track where a guy is banging something while singing songs he invented. After every song he keeps saying `that was a good one`. Retardo noise it makes `Hearseberry Taco` sound like Stephen Hawkin. Now I need a cold beer and it will definitely be a good one indeed. All sarcasm aside, I like this `81 tilted songs`, damn straight.
4- We end this album with a track courtesy of Raketor. This is rumbling lo-fi distortions, a sonic thunderstorm, with some type of rhythmic pattern included. Chill-out noise dudes. More info here:

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Hell Garbage – aso (recycled Bill Monroe tape)

Hell Garbage is a noise project from Lakeland, Florida. Formed in August of 2011. The line-up is Dylan Houser (aka Dylan Hell or Dyllo Von Hellshit VI or Dolan Hoser) and his girlfriend, Kat (of Norse Shit Band/Nordic Snow/ShaMaMo fame).  This recording is an extremely rare edition of 13 copies (and I`m one of the lucky dudes to own this).  I like the idea of recycling, re-using and re-appropriating stuff, especially when it comes to commercial music (hell, they might sound better after all). You can recycle tapes. Unfortunately you can`t do that with CD`s they`re one shot only (except for cd-r`s of course). This is a mildly short tape (33.46 minutes) consisting of two sidelong tracks. The music is a mixture of screams + lotsa good feedback and distortion. In your face hardcore noise with movements and tonality (no static repetitive, redundant shit noise).  It feels like you`re being gangbanged and pummeled by a big ass wall of noise.Traumatizing and intense to say the least. 
I got used, I got used, I got used, yeah baby!!!
His blog:
and email:

Friday, 22 March 2013

Lovebrrd - 911 tribute (cassette)

Lovebrrd hails from Sarasota, Florida. It is the solo mummy rock / harsh noise / casio dirge project of Patrick McBratney. This short tape (under 10 minutes) consists of two sidelong noisy tracks. Explaining what noise is all about is never an easy task (it`s noise so it`s  not music, DOH). It would be easier to give a brief description of both tracks. Here goes:   
1- side A: starts off with low-fi grinding \ grating static (there`s some type of banging going on in the background) which slowly becomes a huge wall of noise. It`s meditative, dare I say relaxing  for the first minute or so. Then it`s so damn hardcore, gimme some more, my ears are bleeding and I like it!
2- side B;  some more banging in there mixed with grating \ rumbling distortion. The heaviest, noisiest track indeed. There`s no traces of 911 samples anywhere. I think this a good tribute to the human tragedy that was 911. Which proves that when it comes down to self-destruction man (woman included of course) is the most dominant specie on this planet. Highly recommended.
Lava Church Records:
his soundcloud page:
and also shit faced :

Hiroshima Yeah! # 96 – feb2013 (zine)

This is a monthly (yes, you heard me right, it comes out every month, damn straight) cut & paste, black & white, 8.5 by 11 inches, 4 to 6 pages long zine. There`s lots of reading material in there: some amazing poems, music + book reviews, a short story (savage world)  and `1.5 years behind bars – selected dispatches from an unwilling contestant of the British `Justice` system`, written by  Gary Simmons, the partner `in crime` of Mark Ritchie, publisher of this fine little publication. Hiroshima Yeah! Is the only zine which makes me  thirsty for any type of alcoholic beverages. Mark`s writing is truly unique. He`s an original urban beast no doubt. It reads like Bukowski with an urban \ punk attitude. I love this. He`s  putting out a CD compilation with HY! #100 (coming out in a couple of months). And guess what? Yes, Minimal Frank will be on that said comp. The Canadian invasion is just starting baby !
Mark Ritchie, 
94 Main Street
ML11 8AB

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Aliens Come From Hell (

About three to five times a week, I go on and check out movies, videos , short movies and documentaries. I usually download a lot of stuff  for later viewing purposes . Aside from the title (aliens come from hell), the description caught my attention (Real NASA footage of fallen angels in space & a look into ancient structures on the moon). This is a pseudo documentary which was probably produced by right wing Christians (shield of the son productions). It states that aliens  are extra-dimensional beings (that dimension being… hell), they`re fallen angels, by abduction they try to convince folks that they shouldn`t believe in Jesus & the bible, there`s a nazi base on the moon (Iron Sky anyone), there`s ancient high tech & structures on the moon and that humans are transforming themselves as cyborgs, yeah right. If you have 1h40 minutes to lose, watch this. Even a cheap six pack of beers is better than this religious piece of visual garbage. The quality of the ancient structures on the moon image is so damn blurry, it looks like one of those homemade, badly produced movies. The only part I partially agree is that aliens (if they  exist, since there`s no solid evidence yet) are extra-dimensional beings (but not from hell). It would explain why those ufo pictures are blurry, probably because they appear \ disappear on our planet. Next time around I gotta check if  there`s a muslim  version of this pseudo documentary . I can imagine the title `aliens are beer drinking & pig eating  homosexual infidels`, damn straight. Don`t recommend it but if you`re so damn curious: 

Quotation system;
credibility: 2
makes sense: 3
quality of alien images: 1 (fucking blurry dude)

The beer factor: irrelevant. I've watched this before my shift every day, last week. No alcohol consumption which is a shame maybe this would have been bea-rable. 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Wrong Number Zine #5 (comes with 60 minutes mixtape)

This is a 8.5 by 11 inches full color 8 pages zine
After reading this I truly believe that Ms Belka Belochka is a fan of recycling. Theres some found pictures, found notes, some street stickers, thrift store book reviews, zine reviews, a poem, a tale of cassette love \ dubbing. I like the nice, kinda naïve but sincere, deeply honest writing style. After reading this I felt like going to the Salvation Army or any thrift store to scope up stuff. The mixtape is a collection of her favorite songs culled from various thrift stores cassettes. Upon reading this I couldn`t help myself. I though oh no not a collection of crappy one hit wonders \ bad pop songs. Boy was I wrong this tape is like an international world music extravaganza. Let`s see. There`s Japanese pop (Chiemi Hori, Seiko Matsuda, Akina Nakamori and Iyo Matsumoto), traditional Greek music (M.Hadjidakis), disco from the Philippines (Boyfriends), fiddle music (Hawks And Eagles), a funny and moronic cartoon song (Ren & Stimpy), experimental music from Ukraine (PlasticFantastic And Electric Psychedelic Pussycat), Hawaiian ukulele (Ohta-San), Hawaiian music (Makaha Sons Of Ni`Hau, Ledward Kaapana), an old school English punk band (X-Ray Spex), and some German zither music (Joseph `Sepp` Diepolder). I can`t wait to read more issues of this amazing zine and I hope she does another amazing mixtape. Write her godammit!
Ms. Belka Belochka
1021 Lowella Ave
Pearl City, 

Friday, 15 March 2013

The sinking process

Dealing with shit. Life is full of ups and downs. We have good moments and shitty moments. It's all about the attitude. I wrote this beautifully dark and haunting poem a long time ago (more than ten years in fact). It seemed relevant during those dark days. Unfortunately the darkness has come back to haunt me again. I use poetry, writings, drawings, music, noise has a catharsis to open that internal sickness of the heart and soul and to break the pattern. Enjoy the poem. I think this is the best thing I wrote so far. Almost everyone had to deal and survive various bad moments.   

The sinking process

It`s snowing outside
The cold wind sets in
The snow keeps falling and falling
Dancing an invisible ballet
Drifting away
Drifting apart slowly
Slowly and silently
The wind becomes louder
It`s almost screaming now
Pushing me
Pulling me
For I feel like a piece of paper
In it`s hands
An instrument
An object
I am a strong man
And I feel powerless in this situation
A mere thorn
On the side of nature
The snow`s falling faster now
I see these big snowflakes
Dropping in front of me
Thick white bullets
An encompassing blanket of whiteness
A blinding whiteness
Blinding everything
Everyone in it`s path
There`s also that damned humidity
The kind that makes me feel naked
It passes through my clothes
As if I`m wearing nothing
Nothing at all
It makes my body shiver
My bones are cold, they feel frozen
It gives you a kind of
Feeling of emptiness, loneliness
A loneliness in front of the void
In front of a bottomless pit
Ready to jump
Too scared to actually do it
It`s too dark down there
Why jump
When you could slowly sink into oblivion
The sinking
Is a slow daily process
A place where events,
Memories are buried deep within
Where they lay there
Trying hard to forget them
Forgetting the past
The present
Where was yesterday ?
Are we today ?
When was tomorrow ?
Feeling empty
Left in nothingness
Sinking even more into darkness
Blinded by darkness
Surrounded by darkness
Sensing it`s powers
Being submerged in it
Adoring it
Loving it
Getting hornier just thinking about it
Oh sweet oblivion
I love you so
You`re my mistress
My lover
You`re mostly my tool of amnesia
You help me forget
The bad moments in life
You help me forget the pain
The loneliness
And it`s snowing again
The snow covers everything
The cars
The streets
The buildings
Thick white sheets of nothingness
Emptiness of the heart
Emptiness of the soul
The snow and the wind blend together
Everything looks grey
Urban decay
Mother nature`s got the blues
I know the feeling
When you`ve been hurt so much
That you don`t have any tears left
Nothing left to cry for
Nothing except the pain
The pains of the heart
Sickness of the soul
Which is pretty hard
To explain in the first place
It`s like dying from the inside
The outside looks just fine
So people think you`re alright
Because you don`t look sick
And appearances are saved
But inside…
Inside it`s a turmoil
A never-ending struggle
The never-ending struggle
A fight between loathe
And self-destruction
Where happiness is rarely seen
Always drifting away
A big empty nothing
You`re insecure
Lacking in self-esteem
Always feeling left out
By others
By yourself
Always alone
The more you`re alone
The more you`re drifting
Can`t get laid
Can`t find a girlfriend
Nobody seems interested
Can`t help it
It`s a loop, a circle
A damn vicious circle
The sinking process
The sinking process
The sinking process
The sinking process
Sinking ?

Monday, 11 March 2013

Tales from Tom the drunk hustler part 7

Da brawl

During those troubled times
Mid nineties I think
I`m not sure because I`m getting old
And my memory
My eyesight
My sex drive
My hair
They all seem to disappear slowly
Dying isn`t that bad, getting older
Now that`s something in itself
What were we discussing ?
At `Chez Margot`  we have some newcomers
Hot blooded latinos
A little loud maybe, but cool folks nonetheless
Most of them where really bad pool players 
Easy trimmings I say
More pitchers of beer for us three

I remember this guy
Small, chunky with short black hair
I think he was in his mid fifties or something
A Peruvian named Nunez
He was the worst player I met
Easy to beat when sober
It gets worst when he`s drunk
It`s not even like taking candy from a baby
More like taking money from a quadriplegic child
It`s bad and sad at the same time
Because he`s losing and the more it happens
He becomes aggressive like hell
A Peruvian Tasmanian devil if you will

I hate to win against folks like him
Believe you me
I`m a hustler with a conscience
But I have a reputation which speaks for itself
And I like my reputation, dammit
It was one of those nights
I beat big Tony
One of the calmest persons
I`ve met
He speaks real s-l-o-w
D-a-m-n  I j-u-s-t  l-o-s-t  a-n-o-t-h-e-r   p-i-t-c-h-e-r
Thanks for the game big guy
I-t-`s  c-o-o-l
Hey Nunez you`re next my man
Not this loser again me think
Pplay you for a pitcher
Say what ?
Wanna pitcher
You want to pay me a pitcher
Nno play for a pitcher
He says
Or so it seems
You want to play for a pitcher
Is that it Nunez
Ffuck yeah
I don`t think it`s a good idea bro
I beat you when you`re sober
Now you`re drunk as a skunk
I mean
It`s not worth it
I shouldn`t have said that I think
Now he`s pissed off
That`s not what I mean my friend
You sure you are able to play ?
Ffuck yeah
You sure ?
Look at you, you`re gone dude
Then let`s go`
My break Nunez
If I could be totally honest
This will be the last time
After this game  
You will never
And I mean never
Want to play pool
With me again
Three low balls on the break
The two cross side
Four top corner pocket
Six bottom right corner
Five top right corner
The eight ball`s left
It`s near the side pocket
The white ball is just in front
I bend down
Look Nunez straight in the eyes
Told you this was your last game
Eight side pocket
I sink the eight
Without looking at the white ball

He breaks his stick on the pool table
Pierre arrives fast
Ready to throw him out
It`s alright Pierre
It was an  accident
It was ?
Wwaz an accident Nunez stutters
Okay then
Nunez Pitcher if you please
Thank you
Yo Greg you`re up
Bet a beer pitcher Tom ?
Sure thing
That`s what I came here for
I light up a smoke
Look around
Something`s happening
Near the jukebox
I see Gerry screaming
At one of the new guys
He`s  Mexican I think
I despise Gerry
He represents
Everything I hate about the
Whole goddam human race
He`s arrogant and ignorant
At the same time
Just like
Salt and pepper
Bread and butter
The perfect mix indeed
One of them loud mouth assholes
Which sounds something like this…
You know if I was GM
I would trade  
Ed Ronan, Lyle Odelein, Turner Stevenson

To the Pitsburg Penguins
In exchange we would get

Jaromir Jagr and maybe a second round draft pick
Yeah right
In your wet dreams dickhead
He knows everything
He has all the answers
And yet
Such a genuine Einstein
Who is so smart and intelligent
Is on fucking welfare
He talks the talk
But doesn`t
Walk the walk
I hate idiots like him
The world is full of them
Just look around
They usually become in charge of something
And I`m thinking
Wouldn`t it be great
If somebody would kick his ass
If his mouth was full of stitches
He would finally shut the fuck up
Nobody would hear his constant nagging
Hey Tom stop daydreaming and play
Sorry Greg
I got distracted
You`re hearing Gerry`s loud mouth again
Tell me something I don`t know
You think they`re gonna fight
Naw Gerry`s a wuss
All talk and no action
Gotta go take a leak
I`m near the washroom
What the hell is this ?
They`re blocking the entrance
Still screaming at each other
I go near them
Sorry guys I gotta piss
It`s an emergency
I push them lightly
I`m almost inside
Next thing I know
Something or someone
Hits me on the back of me head
I fall on my knees
Beer is poured on me
I lose my glasses
I`m blind as a bat
I get up
Still confused
It`s all a blur
There`s some sorth of commotion happening
I still have to piss goddammit!
I enter the washroom
Empty my bladder, wash my hands
Grab the handle and open the door
Damn my glasses are under the pool table
Got to get them
I pick them up and put them on
What the fuck is this ?
Everybody`s fighting

Whites, blacks, latinos, everyone

Pierre`s kicking this small guy
He looks at me and screams
Tom Julian needs help
I look around
I can`t see her
I see this huge latino guy near the bar

He`s holding Julian and feeling her nipples
Motherfucker I`m thinking
Good for me I like them big
Lotsa room to hit them
As long as they don`t connect first
You`re okay
I go behind him
`mamma ma la verga cabrone`
I punch him in the face
He laughs and throws Julian on the floor
He turns around
I give him a left hook
He starts to laugh
Is that your best shot cabrone he asks
No this is
I kick him in the balls
It never fails
He lands on a table
They both fall loudly on the floor
I kick his head a couple of time
Just to make sure
He`ll stay down
King Kong`s dead I`m thinking
A fist hits me on my right shoulder
Wrong side bitch
I`m left handed
I grab an unidentified bottle
Bash it on the head of my unknown aggressor
I hit him twice for good measure
Feels good
Amidst all this violence and chaos
I do feel alive for once
Must be the adrenaline rush
Or something
I hear sirens in the distance
Closing in fast

Come on guys we have to get out
The cops are coming
I can`t afford to get arrested
We use the back door to exit
Best idea I`ve ever had
We arrive at the corner of Jean-Talon street
There`s about ten police cars
Parking in front of our favorite dive
We split up
Going separate ways
What a night
Free pitchers of  beers and a bar room brawl

To end it
Too bad I didn`t get laid
There will be another night
With girls, hustling and beers
In no particular order
That was the last time
I went at `Chez Margot`
After Nunez`s antics and the brawl
It just didn`t feel right
Going back there
Time to move on to new territory
Next stop `Pizza Plaza`
End of part one.