Monday, 10 June 2013

Hiroshima Yeah! #98 (April 2013) (zine)

HY is a 8.5 by 11 inches black and white, cut and paste, five pages zine. I just can`t believe that Mark Ritchie publishes his zine every month. His poems are short and sweet. My favorite one is `pricks`. I can sorth of relate to that because I worked for nearly two years for a telemarketing company. Here`s what it sounds like:
Working in a call centre
Sometimes makes you feel
Like a jaded old prostitute
You just get sick of dealing with
An endless succession of pricks
Beautiful ain`t it? Then we have 1.5 years behind bars (Gary Simmons writes about life in the inside i.e. in jail = wry observations indeed), some concerts & music reviews (including Minimal Frank`s – wrecking havoc CD, and how cool is that). There`s some DVD and also a book review as well. I highly recommend this small lil zine, damn straight brothers and sisters. Contact here:

Mark Rithchie, 
94 Main Sreet, 
ML11 8AB

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