Saturday, 28 September 2013

Portrait of Vladimir Sokolov

One of my coworkers, Vladimir Sokolov is a Russian immigrant. He`s a well educated intelligent man with a, I would say particular sense of humor (Russian sense of humor perhaps). He also likes my weird drawings. He recently asked me to draw his portrait, with my satirical \ abstract style. He was willing to pay me as well. I accepted his offer right away. I told him I needed a picture. So here`s what he looks like:

I did two preliminary sketches. The first one looks like him.

On the second one, I decided to exaggerate his facial features. This one looks like a caricature or a weird psychedelic cartoon.

Then I started working on the real thing. It took me three weeks to do. I was drawing at work (during my morning and afternoon breaks) and also on two Sunday afternoons I spent at the public library. I like the calm, quiet and peaceful atmosphere (which is highly inspiring indeed). To add variety, I used different drawing materials: pencils, black ink, color markers, charcoal and felt pens. And finally, the end result …

Pretty impressive, eh? I`m really proud of my work. My colleague, mister Sokolov his also very happy. This is the first time I sell an original. I just hope to sell more art in the future. Who knows?

Durastatic – s.p.n.f.5 – 2012 (CD-R)

This is Durastaric live at the St Pete Noise Fest 5. During the fest, every band \ artist was given a fifteen minutes time frame per performance. This album has a total running time of 47.28 minutes. Was their performance longer then expected or maybe they did three shows, who knows for sure folks. Anyways there`s six tracks on this album. The first four songs are like a big ass wall of noise. There`s banging, there`s grating, there`s grinding. It`s relentless, kind of like a never ending, apocalyptic aural nightmare. Damn my ears are starting to bleed again. My favorite tracks are: `I know this guy named Hal McGee`(ambient , atmospheric noise + mutant noisy dirges = a tribute to Hal, that`s for sure), and `halo  Bonnet`(fluctuating experimental noise with near ambient moments). There`s a good variety of sounds at work, fat chance your friendly neighborhood noiser might get bored. Contact here:


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Black Beast of Arrrghhh and Trotsky's Watercooler – Blackwater (mp3)

I don`t know if this is a free form live noise                      
improvisation or a collaboration (someone records a skeleton track, then both artists take turns adding stuff, until completion). On the website it reads that Zach Short (BBOA) is doing his thing while Dan Reaves (TW) is doing what he does (whatever that means). A track featuring some of my favorite Florida noisers (along Meatball Machine & Mayan Apocalypse) you can`t go wrong here. Blackwater uses a good dosage of distortion mixed with (in no particular order): found sounds, beats, chaotic percussions, dark synth lines and is that an accordion I hear in the background? The end result is a long (18.23 minutes) piece of evolving experimental noise with melancholic undertones. When I mention melancholic, I don`t mean light gothic stuff. I mean a kind of sad sorrow i.e. melancholia, that`s all. I love long experimental noise pieces like `blackwater`. You never get bored there`s always something fluctuating, evolving, happening and that`s a good thing. Download it here:     

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Mark Sonnenfeld and Hal McGee - In Loose Disorder (cassette)

This is a microcassette duo collaboration recorded and released in 2013. Mark Sonnenfeld reads is poems while Hal McGee' records daily sounds and spoken words. The final audio mix was done by Hal himself. The end results consists of two long tracks (30 minutes each): a derelict disregard and halfways up a stairwell. Well what can I say? How do I attempt to describe this? Those tracks are a mixture of field recordings, with lots of spoken word and some found sounds (I recognized piano bits, the bus and low-fi ambience). Some would say this is a chaotic mess of various absurdities \ insanities. Others would say this is electroacoustic music with balls. And me? Well… Let`s see… Oh yeah, I got it. This is meditative ambient noise with strange, bizarre, weird  orchestrations \ experimentations going on in the background. I like this recording because it`s not harsh noise, it`s just oh so different indeed. And that`s a damn fact, Jack!   :  Hal McGee, 4230 SW 20th Lane APT. F, Gainesville, FL, 32607, USA. Lots of free downloads here:

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Trotsky's Watercooler - bucksnort (mp3)

This is a short album, there`s 26 tracks,  and they`re  all run under two minutes each. In his own words, here`s  Dan Reaves explanation regarding this album: `These are electronic recordings made on my laptop when I was an truck driver. It was an experiment where I tried to create a minute track a night. I put together the ones I thought came out the best. I used Garageband and a demo version
 of Abelton for most of the tracks. I tried to create all my own original beats, but some are there are some preprogrammed  in here`. The tracks are too short to get bored. Unfortunately they`re not long enough to get into \ enjoy. This is Trotsky`s Watercooler most accessible recording so far. If you`re a hardcore noiser you won`t like this. But then again, if you`re not into experimental noise you will definitely dig this album, that`s for sure. Dan Reaves explored various music styles: light techno, chill-out grooves, beat heavy electronics, some weird & some smoother electronic moments and a couple of newave ditties as well . Great stuff. Get it here:

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Factor X And Hal McGee – hearing the liquid orchestra (CD)

This album is 62 minutes long and it has two tracks: residual parking and crawling light. To make a long story short, Hal McGee recorded  (on cassette) conversations with two friends Jiblit Dupree and Hollis Smith. Then he randomly mixed it with another tape (inspired by simultaneist chance procedures). The end result? To be honest, words miserably fail me here. This album is a psychotronic, psychedelic, schizophrenic, traumatic at times, outer worldly listening experience. An audio acid trip with prozac undertones maybe? I don`t know for sure. Personally, I have difficulties relating to collage works, even though I like the experience in small dosage. This stuff is so abstract, it`s like trying to explain \ relate to \ understand a Juan Miro painting. Don`t think, let it be, listen to this and enjoy the ride. Don`t understand this but I like it. I like strange stuff. That`s why I like you and that`s why I like me honey.. Hal McGee, 4230 SW 20th Lane APT. F, Gainesville, FL, 32607, USA.
Lots of free downloads here:

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

YZe PHr0g - EYe Said THe BLinD (mp3)

 I found this on Trotsky's Watercooler bandcamp webpage. It was a free download so I had to check it out (I like Dan Reaves various noisy projects). Turns out that EYe Said THe BLinD is a three piece full band featuring MPO, GoGo Cage, and The Captain (who are those fellas?). This was recorded between 1996 and 1999 in Kissimmee, Florida. There`s 15 tracks of song oriented (I don`t like the word because it means fuck all these days) `industrial ` rock. Yes, you`ve heard me right, `industrial` rock (which doesn`t take itself too seriously), with a punk DIY attitude, like a good, low-fi, homemade recording. This is actually quite good. The music is a mixture of voice, processed vox, samples, guitar , bass and good ole drums. The album is made of fifteen songs mostly short ones (under two minutes), along a couple of longer pieces (under six minutes). There`s two amazing standout tracks, which are:
A- doors of perspiration (number 3): a weird noisy \ almost industrial little number with cool funky undertones.
B- monster recovery (number 11): a low-fi, slowed down, toned down swampy rock song (I could listen to this all day long baby!). Get it here:

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Crystal Awareness & Hal McGee – signal load patterns (CD)

This is another jam session \ collaboration which was recorded in Gainesville, Florida (Hal`s  place more likely) on April 28th, 2012. Crystal Awareness goes the digital way: laptop, Ableton Live, native instruments Reaktor, Absynth and  FM8. Hal McGee seems more analog, using: Moog MF-107, FreqBox, Moog MF-104 Analog Delay and Korg Monotron synthesizer. There`s five songs on this long (+ 75 minutes of music) CD. I was expecting the strange, the weird, the bizarre, the what the hell is this type of experimental, almost electroacoustic at times album. I started listening to this at work, while answering emails. And damned, what a surprise this is! The music is a mixture of fluctuating spacy \ ambient noise (the sound of a dying nebula perhaps),   with minimal, nearly chill-out deeply spacy ambience included (Tangerine Dream on steroids probably). It`s a bird, it`s a fly, no, it`s ambient space noise gozungus baby!!!. Signal Load Patters is Hal McGee`s most  accessible collaboration \ recording so far. I`m highly impressed here, dammit!!! Well don`t just stand there, write him:  Hal McGee, 4230 SW 20th Lane APT. F, Gainesville, FL, 32607, USA.
Lots of free downloads here:

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Minimal Frank update

The other day I was surfing the net. I decided to check out hal McGee`s website because there`s always something going on. That`s when I stumbled upon the MOMA (museum of microcassette art) which is a netlabel based on, you`ve guessed it microcassette recordings. You contact Hal via email, then he sends you two microcassettes. You keep one if you like to trade recordings. Then you have to fill up the second one with basically anything ( as long as they don`t have racist or homophobic sounds or images). I didn`t feel like recording noise (no Flesh For Frank material) for such project. I didn`t feel like doing pure, raw improvised stuff either. What was I gonna do? Maybe I could record some new Minimal Frank material. Then I could record this new stuff on microcassette while playing some field recordings (on my digital recorder) and doing live improvisation, thus creating a kid of live feeling. And that`s what I did. The name of the album is Minimal Frank – the boxset sessions. It consists of three music pieces: there`s a session going on somewhere (11.59 minutes), the light at the end of the tunnel (3.05 minutes), and layercake (15.17 minutes). If you would like a copy of the original recording, contact me ( It`s not for sales but for trading purposes. The second, live, enhanced version will be released (I hope) on Hal McGee`s tape label. More information here:  (check out the MOMA section for availability). 
The album is available right now. Get it here: 


Hiroshima Yeah! # 102 (august 2013) (zine)

This is the august issue of Hiroshima Yeah!  Reading HY! Is like opening a gift you never know what to expect but you will definitely enjoy this. It`s even a better read if you`re drinking a pint of beer and \ or cider at the same time. Let`s begin with `poetry, suicides and drooping paper flowers` which is editor Mark Ritchie`s  wry, witty life observations. This time around the standout piece is:
Low murmur
The low murmur of the bar
Calms me .
The rest of the world recedes.
This is short and sweet. Need I say more ? Then  there`s Gary Simmons `1.5 years behind bars` ( it`s warped, it`s wild, it`s  weird, it`s life in jail) , there`s a lot of reviews inside. Be it music (cheap pop section: read the Flesh For Frank – computer generated shit noise attack  ,review, it rocks me c***),  concert (The New Mendicants, don`t know this band, but it seems interesting, gotta investigate this), and zines reviews (Media Junky, The Barrel Nut, etc, etc).  There`s a guide to Sam Peckinpah films, two haikus and a short story `bag`( I can actually relate to this one. My two aunts are despicable spinsters. You can choose your friends, but you`re stuck with family, indeed) . Grab a pen, buy a stamp and write Mark a nice letter, it`s worth the effort.
Mark Ritchie 
94 Main Street 
ML11 8AB

Hiroshima Yeah! # 101 (july 2013) (zine)

HY comes out every month, which is a hell of a good thing mates. It`s  a 8.5 by 11 inches black and white, cut and paste, five pager zine. I love this zine. Let`s start things off with `poems under neon` short, witty, wry, daily observations, simply beautiful. Read the following:
Sometimes you need to feel alienated
To make you want to reconnect
with the world
short and sweet, that`s the way I like it. Next, there`s Gary Simmons `1.5 years behind bars` ( life on the inside i.e. being incarcerated), a lot of music, concerts, (the Pastels, Neil Young & Crazy Horse),  and book reviews. There`s also `Alienation` (a strangely bizarre tale of… alienation) and `wurzeword` (a different take on the wordsearch game). I never saw Neil Young live even though I love his music. My favorite song `rockin`in the free world`from the album `freedom` (1989).       `Rockin`in the free world `sounds like a  grunge anthem and it came out before any grungy bands released anything. He probably influenced , a lot of bands like: Mudhoney,  Mother Love Bone, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Tad. Smells like teen spirited distortion indeed.  
Mark Ritchie
94 Main Street
ML11 8AB

Tales from Tom the drunk hustler part 10

When the hustler gets hustled

Saturday morning
Woke up with a big ass headache
I`m laying in bed

I turn around
Grab my metal bucket
And start to vomit heavily
I always keep a puke bucket
Next to me bed
Just in case
You never know
What could happen
When you wake up
I`m definitely experienced
For sure
Christ I vomited a shitload of stuff
Looks really chunky
There`s bile
Some food leftovers
Chunks of a reddish substance
Blood more likely

I get up
Light up a smoke
My ribs hurt like hell
I feel like shit
And I look like shit
Now I remember
Chris and me
Got expelled from Thursdays
That huge bouncer
Kicked our asses
And while all this was happening
Where the fuck was Pat?
The phone rings
Wouldn`t you know it
It`s motherfucking Pat

Where were you last night Tom?
What do you mean where was I?
I was dancing with Terry
When we decided to take a beak
And have ourselves a drink
You where nowhere to be found
Did you hook up with some girls?
No we briefly fought with the bouncer
And we got thrown out
My ribs hurt
And Chris bad left knee is even worst
We got a beating
While you`re grabbing Terrry`s ass
I growl
Angry and pissed off
Hey relax big guy
If I was there
You know I would have helped you guys
Yeah right
What do you mean by yeah right?
You think that Terry
Would have granted you permission
To help us
I mean she`s got too much class
To hang out with such losers
Like Chris and myself
When we go out
You spend the evening with Terry
And leave us dry all evening
That`s bullshit Tom
Bullshit my ass
My ribs are still sore too
That`s no bullshit
It`s real
It`s damn real
I heard you have sore ribs Tom?
Yes Terry they sure are
Why you want to feel them?
Stop acting like a little boy Tom
Got anything else to say Terry?

Pat told me about the
Three-way hustle
I have an idea Tom
I`m listening
There`s this pub
Located on Maisonneuve street
Keep going
It`s more like a small poolhall
We could go there tonight
And you could perform
Your three-way hustling technique
What do say Tom?
Terry you`re a genius
When and where should we meet?
Eight o`clock tonight
In front of metro station Peel
Be there
I`ll see you there girl
I light up another smoke
Go to the can
Take a shower
Fix myself breakfast
Three eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, potatoes
Some toasts
And a barrel of coffee
At least
I love beer as much as I enjoy coffee
I love the smell of caffeine in the morning
Now I dress up
I look almost desirable here
Girls get ready
Tom`s on the hunt
But right now Tom is thirsty
And I`m thinking
I prefer to drink alone
Than to actually be with someone
I don`t crave human company
Even though I`m horny like a dog
I must be
The Elmore James of hustlers
That`s it
Call me
Tom James
I don`t play the slide guitar
But I`m really good with a pool stick
In a perfect world
I would be having sex while drinking
Drinking a big ass pitcher of beer
While doing it doggy style
Now that`s a striking image
S Clay Wilson would have been
Proud of me
For sure
Time to leave me place
Let`s see
I have my wallet
With lots of cash
Just in case I lose at pool
What else do I need?
My house keys
Peppermint gum
Well I`m ready
Let`s go
It`s seven thirty p.m.
I`m standing in front of metro station Peel
Alone as usual
I`m always the first one to arrive anywhere
I`m the early drinking bird
Hey Tom
Hey Chris
How`s your left knee?
Even worst
How are your ribs?
Still sore my man
We`re pretty early my friend
Let`s go in the back alley
And split a doobie while waiting
Sure thing
This party`s picking up
We smoke up
Exit the back alley
Googgle eyes and all
I`m chilling out and relaxing
About damn time too

Well well well
Look what the cat dragged in
Pat and Terry
You`re late
Where were you?
Well me and Terry where…
We where…
Terry shouts out
Do you have any more stupid questions?
Are we gonna spend the evening talking here?
Calm down Terry Chris says
Take it easy girl
Is it near I ask?
At the corner of the street
Lets go
We arrive at the corner
Of Stanley and Maisonneuve street
It`s on the second floor guys
I see this big black and white metal sign
It reads
Bulldog Pub
Or maybe
Pitbull Pub
We enter
And proceed to go up the stairways
Wooden stairways
Wooden and noisy stairways
I hope it`s a dive
It must be a dive
Ah shit there`s a cover charge
Less drinking money I`m thinking
Never understood the cover charge concept
Cover for what?
Cover your ass maybe
Another type of hidden tax
Giving away more
Of your hard earned money
For sweet fuck all
Five dollars please
Here you go dude
I give him a five dollar bill
So I won`t get screwed like at Thursdays
There`s some CCR music playing in the background
Good beer drinking music
I look around
There`s about ten pool tables
A dance floor
And a dark blue jukebox
Nice music
Lots of pool tables
Lots of nice looking women
This place has potential
We find a pool table
The waiter comes in
Chunky little latino guy
What can I get you?
We`ll  start with a pitcher of beer
Sure thing
It will be ten dollars
Relax amigo
It`s worth it
Okay then
He comes back
With a huge glass pitcher
Well what do you think amigo?
Dude I`m in love
I don`t swing that way amigo
I`m not talking about you
I`m talking about the beer
Alright then
You happy Tom?
I`m in heaven girl
Do your thing Tom
What thing?
The three-way hustle
Here goes
I light up a smoke
Put a chair in front of the pool table
Climb on said chair
I remember saying something like this:
I sit on the chair
With a big smile on my face
That was stupid Terry snarls
No it wasn`t I say
Now everybody knows you`re a hustler
Bullshit girl
I never said anything about money
You attract flies with honey
Never vinegar
I`ll play you Tom
Sure thing
And you are?
Pleased to meet you
Likewise I`m sure
We play a couple of games for fun
He`s not too good
Terry walks next to me
This is going nowhere Tom
What about
The three-way hustle?
Next game girl
Eight ball corner pocket
I miss my shot
On purpose of course
And he wins
Good game Pierce
I have an idea
Why don`t we play this game
For a pitcher of beer?
I`m not sure Tom
Why, you`re not thirsty?
Well okay then
You won last game
Your break Pierce
What an amazing break
He sank three low balls
He cleans the table
But misses the eight
He leaves it in front of the left side pocket
My turn
I sink four balls in a row
There`s three balls left
It`s too hard to do them
I have to perform some type of safety shot
I miss the twelve
It slides
And the white ball is stuck
Between the bank and the twelve
Tom you fucking lucky bastard
I know, I know
And I`m thinking
You`re too damn stupid to realize
It wasn`t a mistake
I did that on purpose
That pitcher of beer is mine
Three banks eight side pocket
He did it!!!
Unfortunately the white balls
Keeps rolling and sinks in the corner pocket
Motherfucking piece of shit he screams
You weren`t lucky Pierce
Revenge match bro?
Sure thing
I get the pitcher and you rack them up
I walk next to Terry
This is how you do it
You win smoothly
You don`t destroy your opponent
You see
He`s thinking
He has a chance to beat me
He will be thinking the same thing
Over and over
All night
While paying the beer
Tom you`re full of shit
He scratched the eight ball
You could have lost that game
Ok then
Watch me play
I`ll make a believer out of you little girl
Your break Tom
Here goes
I sink a couple of highs and lows
I sink the four
Two corner pocket
I miss
It`s blocking the corner pocket
Most of the high balls are in that area
Thirteen cross side
He misses
I clean the table
But miss the eight
It`s  blocking the same corner pocket
Where most of his balls are located
Fifteen corner pocket
He sinks it
Thirteen top corner pocket
He hits it too hard and scratches again
Eight corner pocket
Sorry Piece
Here`s your pitcher of beer Tom
We play some more
And I win some more
Terry comes near me
And whispers to my ears
Pat was telling the truth all along
You`re a hustler Tom
Sure am girl
There`s a sucker born every minute
And this guys a living proof
I light up a smoke
Hey what`s your name babe?
I turn around and…
Standing in front of me is this
Tall, slim, slinky blonde girl
With never-ending legs
She has deep black eyes
Dark eyes in the dark
Dark eyes…
I`m speechless, hypnotised
I`m, I`m … Tom
I`m Rachel
Wanna play a game of pool with my brother Paul?
and maybe we could hang out later
Well alright
Let`s go
Hey Paul pleased to meet you
Likewise I`m sure
Heads or tails?
Heads Tom
Tails my break
Wanna play for a pitcher of beer Paul?
I prefer scotch
I`m not into hard liquor dude
Play a game for five dollars
Maybe we could play a couple of games
We play a couple of games
And wouldn`t you know it
I win
Rachel comes next to me, pinches my ass
While kissing me
Maybe we should go to my place I say
It`s early Tom
Your brother is not a good player
I know…
Maybe you should bet more money
Clean his ass you know
How come, he`s your brother?
I don`t like his arrogant attitude
You can choose your friends
But not your family
Makes sense, I think
Hey Paul wanna play for twenty dollars?
I dunno
I keep losing
I can`t win all night you know
Got yourself a point
Let`s go
We play a couple of games
And I`m winning some more
I lose a game by accident
I lose another one by accident
Every time
I`m near winning the game
I fuck up and lose
Rachel is pinching my ass now and then
Sometimes she`s  playing with my hair
While kissing me passionately
It`s hard to play with half a boner
I lose another game
Time out Paul I say
Gotta take a leak my man
The washroom is full
The last cubicle is available
I enter & light up another smoke
And I`m thinking
I`m not lucky tonight   
There`s music playing in the background
I hear two guys talking together
They`re probably at the urinal
I`m not paying much attention
Until I hear Paul`s name
What the hell are they talking about?
That Paul what a hustler he is
He got himself another victim
Indeed Bruce, indeed
The poor fucker
I`m almost feeling sorry for him
Makes me laugh thought
How come ?
He thinks he`s gonna bang Rachel tonight
Only in his wet dreams
Nobody fucks Paul`s girlfriend
Except Paul
That Rachel what a babe
She can charm any guy anywhere
Is this true?
But I lost only a couple of games
Let`s see
I came here with two hundred dollars
There`s 5.00 $ for the cover charge
Plus about 25.00 $ for beer money
That`s thirty dollars
I open my wallet
There`s a dirty old twenty lying there
Jesus Christ !!!!
I`ve been hustled
Now I`m really pissed off
I light up another smoke
Trying to calm down
Hey Rachel
Hey Paul
You know I was thinking
It`s getting late
Wanna come to my place instead?
Maybe you should play some more
I prefer we`d go back to my place or yours?
Not yet do you want another drink?
I look her straight in the eyes
I know Paul`s your boyfriend
No he`s my brother
One of the customers told me
Suddenly her face is all red
What are you going to do
Nothing I say
There`s nothing to do
I`ve been hustled by better hustlers
Kudos to you guys
I`m pissed off at myself
I must say
I hustled a shitload of guys
And I never got caught
Must be karma or something
Gotta go
You taught me a good lesson
Which one?
Think with your brain and not with your cock
I go back at our pool table
Hey guys
It`s getting late and I`m going home
Terry looks at me with a huge smile and says
You`re leaving because you`re full of cash
Aren`t you?
I`m just tired
And I`m going home that`s all
You don`t want to share with us?
Share what?
Now she`s really pissed off
Hey, I got hustled
All I have is twenty dollars left
Then I show her my wallet
How come you got hustled?
I though that Rachel was into me
I though I was gonna get laid
Turns out she`s the hustlers girlfriend
I was thinking with my cock and not me brains
I`m leaving
I took off
Before anyone could answer me
Yes, I know
I`m a moron
And I really feel like one tonight.