Saturday, 28 September 2013

Durastatic – s.p.n.f.5 – 2012 (CD-R)

This is Durastaric live at the St Pete Noise Fest 5. During the fest, every band \ artist was given a fifteen minutes time frame per performance. This album has a total running time of 47.28 minutes. Was their performance longer then expected or maybe they did three shows, who knows for sure folks. Anyways there`s six tracks on this album. The first four songs are like a big ass wall of noise. There`s banging, there`s grating, there`s grinding. It`s relentless, kind of like a never ending, apocalyptic aural nightmare. Damn my ears are starting to bleed again. My favorite tracks are: `I know this guy named Hal McGee`(ambient , atmospheric noise + mutant noisy dirges = a tribute to Hal, that`s for sure), and `halo  Bonnet`(fluctuating experimental noise with near ambient moments). There`s a good variety of sounds at work, fat chance your friendly neighborhood noiser might get bored. Contact here:


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