Thursday, 3 October 2013

Water Wagon & Alabaster Choad (split tape)

Sometimes I get the weirdest things by mail. It goes with the territory I guess. I get this small parcel, no letter, no inserts, no information regarding the artists involved. I look at the cover and I`m thinking this is probably noise, shit noise, junk noise or experimental noise more likely. As I`m listening to this tape, I know I`m absolutely wrong here. This is music ( no noise involved whatsoever). There`s six tracks on Water Wagon`s side. The two first songs are a mixture of spoken word + guitar + drums which sounds like low-fi bedroom pop. There`s two tracks of spoken word and the last two pieces are picture perfect field recordings (great toilet flushing material). Alabaster Choad does ten songs which seems to have been done in a single recording session. These songs go all over the place. Don`t get me wrong.  This is amazing stuff. They use guitar, bass, drums and at times trumpet. It s punk oriented material. They like to explore various styles, shit punk (with a snotty attitude), hardcore and hardcore ska with hillbilly undertones (kind of Cauliflower ass & Bob on speed). More information here:  
1009 MacCarther # 2 

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