Ah the Christmas spirit people decorating their homes
Christmas trees, candy`s and gifts
The upcoming new year
Kids wanting gifts
Demanding gifts
Sitting on Santa`s lap
Just thinking about this is weird
An underage child
Sitting on the lap
Of an chubby, bearded old man
Hey Tommy have you been a good boy this year?
Here have a piece of Santa`s candy
Take a big chunk
That`s it
That`s it
Now that`s a good boy
You like the taste?
Kinda chewy isn`t it?
You`re gonna get lotsa gifts
This year boy
Now that Santa
Is he a pervert
A molester perhaps
Or just good old St Nick
Good question
But then again
Santa has nothing to do with Christmas
Except buying gifts
Mass consumption
Feeding big ass corporations
Who basically rule
And own
The whole damn planet
Money grabbing
Power hungry
Breaking all the rules
In third world countries
Cheap labor
Child labor
Slave labor
Working for the man
The grinding machine
The corporate
Rulers of the world
Wait a minute here
It`s the day Jesus was born
Isn`t it?
Read your bible
He was never born that day
You`re not religious
Why do you care about Christmas?
Do you have a point here?
Except the gifts
Indulging yourself
With lotsa food & booze
I lost the holyday spirit
A long time ago
When I became an adult
And realized
All this is commercial bullshit
Religion was created
To exploit & control man
And woman of course
Keeping people ignorant
And feeding them crap
For money & power = control
You feed people enough bullshit
And they`ll actually believe it
I lost even more faith
When I started having
Horrible back pains
Then was diagnosed
With stiffening spondylitis
A genetic and degenerative disease
Being partially handicap
With the bright future
Of being full time handicap
Dying is not scary
It`s a passage
An essential passage
The end of life
What is really scary
Is seeing your body
Slowly deteriorate every day
While you`re helpless
And can`t do anything about it
Feeling really helpless
This time around
I can relate with my dad
He`s losing
More and more of his eyesight
Until he becomes completely blind
The lights are slowly shutting down
Darkness sets in
There`s nothing you can do about it
It`s hopeless
But then again
I gotta deal with this everyday
I chose to accept it
And basically ignore it
I got better things to do
Than sit down whine and complain
In order to keep my sanity
I keep myself busy
Working full time
Recording music \ noise
Working on my blog
I use art as a catharsis
Salvation perhaps
And also to escape
And inner depression
Having to deal with lotsa shit
Made me stronger
And soulless
I don`t feel much anymore
I feel empty inside
Like an inner black hole
Feels like winter inside
Cold and dark
But anyways
It`s kinda boring for my audience
Out there
Reading about inner
Angst and depression
Soon someone will call me Kurt
The hell with all that!!!
For me the holidays
Means nothing more except
It`s definitely
The spirit of nothing.