Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Hiroshima Yeah! # 106 (December 2013) (zine)

A 8.5 by 11 inches black and white, cut and paste, five pager, monthly zine. There`s a beautifully crafted and weird as hell Kapreles cover (Basil Wolverton anyone?). Now can you dig that sucker? Next in line there`s poetry `from rooms that daylight never sees`. I have a lot of admiration for Mark`s poetry, this time around I have two favorite ones:
Working with the general public
Will drain the compassion
From your very soul
Especially if you didn`t have much
In the first place.
 I`ve worked ten years in an information booth downtown. I can definitely relate to that brothers and sisters.
Lending someone a porno
Lending someone a porno
Doesn`t happen now
That we have the internet.
And another part of the past dies.
Well said, Fred. Next in line, we have our monthly installment of Gary Simmons `1.5 years behind bars` (I can just imagine the weird cats you meet in prison). Then, there is a lot of music, concerts (Franz Nicolay And The Cut Ups, and Jason Isbell) , a book review (Morrissey: autobiography) and some short, short zine reviews. We end this amazing zine with two short stories: `something I found in the loft before I was sent to prison` (Gary Simmons) and `101`(Mark Ritchie). Working as an office drone, dealing with a stupid supervisor and almost kicking his ass. Been there, lived that lotsa times. I`ve had many jobs where I encountered morons. There`s `the stool pigeon`(will report anything and anyone to the boss), `the cocksucker`(sucking up to his bosses, spitting or swallowing, that`s the question), `the Yes man`(yes, sir, you`re absolutely right, the real live Smither`s indeed), and the arrogant, self-loving dictator (I am in charge and the world is my oyster motherfuckers). There`s more but it feels pointless to give them more importance than needed. Contact address: Mark Ritchie, 94 Main Street, Forth, Lanark, ML11 8AB, UK.

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