Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Minimal Frank update

2013, creatively speaking was a great year for me. After a long, too long in fact hiatus, I recorded two Minimal Frank mini albums:
1- Imaginary Soundtracks (out on Wreck Age Recordings)
                                                                                              and also

The Boxset Sessions there`s two versions of this EP
the first one available here: http://www.haltapes.com/moma007---minimal-frank.html   

The second version will be on Wreck Age Recording (date unknown).                                                                                             I have been busy the last three weeks experimenting with various sound manipulations / processing and sampling stuff like crazy. I want to do more Minimal Frank and Flesh For Frank material. Last Sunday afternoon (26-01-2014) I recorded `Minimal Frank – UCT6 (half breed pattak) a 2.35 minutes long track. I`ll be sending a copy by mail to Node Pajomo himself. He`s doing a `audio mail art project # 2`compilation CD and this is my submission. And now why the name UCT6? UCT stands for untitled compilation track` and this is part six. Which means I recorded five of them and they`re on various compilations around the globe. You got that right. What are you a psychic? Just kidding. I'm offering UCT6 as a free download, but not for free, ah, ah, ah. I love to trade. Contact me via email at: frank.zen@vif.com. And we could trade this via internet because it's free dammit!!!    
             I`m also working on some new LPR CLLCTV material. LPR CLLCTV??? A couple of years ago I was in a noise band with Maim Patterson (Bodybags zine). It was supposed to be a band while in fact I was the band. Maim would send me stuff he recorded and I would process them, arrange them, re-arrange them, sequence them, yatta yatta yatta. I called it quits after two albums (you can understand why). Lately I was doing some cleaning up on my laptop and I found a lot of unreleased Leper Collective (that was our noise band) material. I started listening to this and it`s not that bad. In fact I`d say that I have enough material for two, maybe three albums. I won`t be using the name `Leper Collective` anymore (it`s a matter of respect for my buddy in crime Maim Patterson). Instead this old/new project will be called `LPR CLLCTV`. Why resuscitate an old, long dead and forgotten noise band? The answer is simple to properly finish it and also to make some room in my laptop. I have about 6 GO of .wav files lying there. At this time I really don`t know when it will be released. I will give you more information soon, I hope. To conclude this properly, here`s a really good Minimal Frank track here:

1 comment:

  1. You can also find out more about Wreck Age which includes material featuring Minimal Frank, Flesh For Frank, and the aforementioned Leper Collective albums on the Wreck Age recordings databse: http://www.discogs.com/label/37560-Wreck-Age-Recordings obviously incomplete!
