Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Hiroshima Yeah! # 116 (October 2014) (zine)

This is a 8.5 by 11 inches cut and paste, black and white, monthly five pager zine. There`s a picture of Steve  McQueen `the coolest goddam motherfucker ohn the silver screen.` Here`s some of my favorites  cool tough guys from the silver screen (in no particular order): Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin, Yul Brynner, Clint Eastwood, Lance Henriksen and Michael Ironside. We start things up with poetry and `random acts of hopelessness`. This time around I read two amazing poems which are:
Disdain dripping
Your fake smile 
That no one`s buying,
Disdain dripping from every pore
As you pull us pints,
We are but pigs
At your sacred trough.
Your very presence
Is an instant buzzkill.
Why don`t you go and
Work in a fucking morgue,
The quiet majority
The slogans,
The posters,
The badges,
The proud painted faces:
They are alienating,
Those of us who hold
A different view
Huddle in corners,
Speak in hushed tones,
Made to feel like traitors
Because we do not believe
The lies,
The spin.
But we are the quiet majority.
The knot in our collective stomachs
Now gone.
Man, I love this stuff short and sweet that`s the way to do it. We follow this with `the great rock`n`roll tolchock` Gary Simmons insane, crazy, funny like hell monthly installment of life in the inside i.e. in jail. There`s some music, book and DVD  (World War Z, I still didn`t find the time to watch this) reviews. Mark Ritchie writes `revolving door`. A short story  happening at the pub where he has to deal with various types of morons while trying to drink in peace and quiet. I can definitely relate to that. More reading material from Gary Simmons, who wrote `I saw my mommy.` It`s a collection of various text messages between Mark Ritchie, Pamela, Paolo and Gary himself. We fnish things up `Doctor Thornaby` chapter three, written by A Willshaw.  This is definitely weird, kinda out there material. Now don`t just stand there. 
Mark Ritchie
94 Main Street
ML11 8AB

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