Sunday, 15 March 2015

Malevolent Alien Being & Sleep Column: two ways of pain part 22 (CD-R)

This split CD-R was released on Shit Noise Records on July 31st, 2013. It reads on the catalogue `SNR#582 `, which means they have released more than five hundred CD`s of noise oriented material. They`ve released a lot of stuff and are still active nowadays. Maybe I could send them a Flesh For Frank demo, just in case. We start this album with:
1 – Malevolent Human Being: diabolical experiments on humans (13.12 minutes) = a grinding, relentless wall of static.
2- Malevolent Human Being: anal probe (17.36 minutes) = a grating / grinding / scratching harsh like hell total wall of noise. Someone / something`s probing me and I don`t like it.
3 – Sleep Column: lanes of iron dreams (30,04 minutes)  = a long track of repetitive low-fi distortion.  At times it almost sounds like ambient noise. The most, dare I say meditative piece on this album. Well I just did.

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