Sunday, 30 August 2015

Painful Defecation – commomération du centenaire de l`art des bruits de Luigi Russolo (mp3)

This mini album (4 tracks = 17.05 minutes) was released in 2013 and is a tribute to the centenary of `the art of noise `manifesto. I read TAON manifesto about four years ago. I decided to download it here:  and read it a second time around. This manuscript was written in 1913. If you manage to read between the lines, it talks about sound processing, layering, sampling and sequencing. The electric guitar came out in 1931. This manifesto was way ahead of it`s time. Luigi Russolo was part of an avant-garde Italian art movement `The Futurists`. They did some noise concerts, free mp3`s available here: (I confess, I didn`t have time to check it out but I will, believe that). Which means, noise existed before Merzbow. You think that Brian Eno`s `music for airports`(1978) was the first ever ambient album? Do a little research and check out Erik Satie`s `gymnopedies ` (circa 1888).Now I`m getting carried away, again, which is pretty easy in my case. Anyways, what were we talking about here? The music on this mini EP offers various styles here: meditative minimal ambient noise (glouglouteur and scatalogue de gauche vargas), lo-fi experimental electronics (track # three) and the last piece which is a joyous cacophony mix of: percussions + samples + found sounds + tight sequencing = good stuff. Free download here: 

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