Sunday, 13 September 2015

Hermoso Moviento – CD (CD)

Another item that was lost somewhere inside my huge pile of stuff to review. Never heard of Hermoso Moviento before. I didn`t find much information on the internet either. Hermoso comes from Buenos Aires, Argentina. His album came out in 2000. This falls under the category of experimental music. Every song has a different style / flavor. In order to give you a proper idea, It`s better to give a brief description of each track. Here goes:
1 – mendigando amor (3.31 minutes) = a slightly warped re-interpretation / remix of an Argentina pop song.
2 – dicho sin palabras (4.30 minutes) = experimental electroacoustics.
3 – sentimiento simultaneo de Fortaleza y fragilidad (5.04 minutes) = various animal samples are processed beyond recognition thus creating a schizophrenic jungle mood.
4 – mentalidad de enemistad (3.56 minutes) = Argentinian instrumental music mixed with various percussions and minimal parts.
5 – el ruido es de los labio (4.03 minutes) = aural minimalism which slowly mutates into experimental noise territory.
6 – reverbera aun (6.33 minutes) = experimental noise with various bangings going on.
7 – alrededor desos manos (6.33 minutes) = various urban field recordings perhaps.
8 – luces de algun lagar (3.28 minutes) = my sound system and my computer can`t play this track.


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