Thursday, 18 February 2016

Baseball Camp Nurse – reverse the hearse & besmirch the curse of (CD)

This is the solo music project of Todd Z. Glitter. There`s nine songs on this EP (22.30 minutes). This is basic, stripped-down music; singing + electric guitar, some occasional backing vocals (courtesy of Jay), percussion, sax and harmonica. This is my favorite Todd Z Glitter project. The music is homemade, indie rock, with some bluesy, country undertones. Imagine a jam session between Neil Young, Bob Dylan and Jimmy Reed. My standout tracks are:
3 – Chad was an anarchist (1.58 minutes) = a cool Thompson (don`t call him Eric) vocal sample mixed with a lo-fi, intimate Dylanesque ballad, cool.
9 – Rude boy (3.20 minutes) = a weird, out there Bob Marley cover = Sun Ra + Syd Barrett = in space no one can hear you jam. Contact for availability:

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