This half size, black & white, cut & paste, sixteen pager is crammed with reviews. Jason Rodgers reviews submitted material with a physical address, exclusively (that`s why I wrote me address, so he will finally review my small newsletter) . Media Junky promotes DIY cultural resistance. There`s lots of DIY, independent chapbooks, zines, newsletters out there. Jason gives a voice to the voiceless, the fringe, the kooks (aren`t we all), the weird, the old school, anti-technology. Some people would state that he`s anti-evolution. I, on the other hand think he`s anti-devolution. In a world of intellectual apathy, of high speed internet, of S phones (yes, stupid phones), of faceshit, shitfaced, and twitter… When reading a paragraph, a text with more than 140 characters feels like reading a motherfucking encyclopedia. I`m happy that Media Junky exists. It represents a stand, a strong statement for underground, independent DIY projects. It`s an amazing read, I totally recommend it. Now don`t just stand there, send him something to review and don`t forget to write your address. Contact here:
Jason Rodgers,