Saturday, 6 July 2013

Kurt Beaulieu interview

1-  How are you and who are you?
      Kurt Beaulieu, professional dilettante.

2-  How long have you been drawing (comics and illustrations) and where was the first place you got published?
     25 years of obscurity... Officially in some student paper, but the starting point was the first comix zine i produced, L'Echo Des Chantiers. A zine i created because i was sacked from said student paper (for being too negative)...

3-  I heard you`ve been published worldwide. Could you give us more details?
      Some one of those comix found their way in places like Macedonia or Poland. So they appeared in collectives (sometimes without my authorization).The translation of one my stories in polish is one of my favorite achievements, though i can't tell if the translation was accurate or not...

4-  What inspires you and/or what influences you? Where do you come up with those somewhat strange, cryptic ideas?
      I don't write scripts, writing a script and illustrating it, i find really boring. So there's a disjointed aspect at first, but sense will appear if you give it a chance. My main inspiration comes from looking at women on the street. "If William Burroughs wrote a L Word episode, With Russ Meyer directing" (Blurb for my future graphic novel)...

5-  Now regarding your solo experimental noise project. What`s the sound of Painful Defecation like?
      At first it was total loop abuse, but it evolved into abrasive ambiant. but the odd rythmic  track can still pop up.
6-  Where does the name Painful Defecation comes from? Is it a solo project, a band, a duo, a collective perhaps?
      At first it was called Goodbye Tonsils, after a Severed Heads track, but the title  of my second demo was Painful Defecation, so this was later adopted for being a more industrial, yet stupid name. It's just me, yes, but one day i'd like to add a female vocalist, screaming obscenities against men.

7-  When do you record music (early bird, daily bird or a night owl)?

       Evenings, but now i'm on my summer break.

8-  What kind of gear/equipment are you using?

       Just a PC, samples, And Audacity. sometimes with Wavelab and Goldwave. All in all, a very abstract way to write music.

9-  What inspires you?
      Like my comix, i don't have a plan when i start making a tune, so i take something from my sample bank and build up from that. Often i take a three second bit from some song, loop it, slow it down, add effects, take another bit, layer it. Sometimes i can make one in one evening, and sometimes it can simmer in my hard drive for months until the right modification comes along.

10-  What are your influences?

      Totally old school, Kraftwerk, Severed Heads, Cab Volt, Whitehouse, Nurse With Wound, the classics...

11-  Besides your comics and Painful Defecation do you have any other musical and/or artistic projects?
      I also do Mail Art, but the higher and higher cost of stamps made me slow down a bit...

12-  Do you perform live?

        No. With the kind of music i do, it would be just me on stage with a laptop pressing play. And there's too much of that already.

13-  How`s the underground music scene in Montréal?

        I don't hang out with musicians, thankfully...

14-  What type of music are you into? What about movies, television, radio maybe?

          For the music see question 10. Been two years since i had a TV, so i watch Doctor Who and japanese animation DVD's on the computer. I like to listen to American talk radio also.

15-  Please give us some contact information?

16-  Any closing comments?

       The good side of the internet: anybody can put their stuff on it.
The bad side of the internet:   anybody can put their stuff on it.
Thanks a lot for the interview.

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