Wednesday, 25 December 2013

DJ Hollow Life - Skitzophrantics Dream (mp3)

I was  surfing the internet and checking out various stuff at  when I noticed another DJ Hollow Life album. it`s been released on `Tethered Records`a brand new netlabel. This album has thirteen tracks of electronically oriented music (it runs under 50 minutes). Most of the songs sound like old school percussive industrial music. And no you young puppies out there I don`t mean Nine Inch Nails or  Marilyn Manson. When I say old school industrial, I mean bands like: Nox, Coil, Nurse With Wound, Zoviet France, Hafler Trio, Bourbonese Qualk, etc, etc. don`t know what I`m talking about. Well get your ass out of faceshit, twitterooni and google it. You might actually learn something here. The music sounds percussive, kind of like Bourbonese Qualk but with a melody, a musical quality. This is another mighty impressive album and it`s free too. There`s a couple of standout tracks: `DP`s keep her happy`(happy go lucky smooth electronica), `the sleight of darkness`(industrial minimalism maybe), and `nutty bars are better than you sex!`(almost 8 bit, melodic electronica). Well don`t just stand there, get it here:

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