Friday, 6 December 2013

Hiroshima Yeah! # 103 (September 2013) (zine)

This is a 8.5 by 11 inches black and white, cut and paste, four pager zine. Let`s begin with `poetry, culture, alienation, boredom and despair. An impressive collection of short, slice of life poetry. This time around I have two favorite poems which are:
Work is something you do
Between visits to the pub
Belonging nowhere
I don`t belong here
Or anywhere else.
Pretty amazing brothers and sisters!!! We also have our monthly installment of `1.5 years behind bars` (Gary Simmons various ramblings about life inside i.e. I mean being jailed, dumbass!!!).  There`s lots of reviews here: music, book, and concerts; The B-52`s (one of my favorite bands)  & Joshua Berkett & Jon Collins. `After hours `(written by Mark Ritchie himself)  is a short story about boozing + doing a threesome with a hooker at work (of all places, lol) after working hours, of course. I almost had a boner while reading this. Thumbs up dude!!! Instant classic lowbrow material. I wanna read some more, feed me more baby!!! I love Hiroshima Yeah1
Contact address: 
Mark Ritchie, 
94 Main Street
ML11 8AB

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