Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Media junky, a review zine # 19 (winter 2013-2014)

A  quarterly (I think) half-size, black and white, cut and paste, sixteen pages long zine.  There`s more than sixty (various zines & publications, and music) reviews   crammed in this small publication. I enjoy Jason`s reviews. They`re honest, precise,  descriptive, thorough and highly literate. We tend to agree on a lot of things like cell phones and technological slavery. Regarding the internet we don`t share the same opinion. I agree it promotes laziness and apathy. But I think if used properly it could be an amazing promotional tool. It`s also great for knowledge and education. Well it`s my opinion and you know what they say about opinions…  If you create something with a physical media: zine, books, audio cassettes, VHS tapes (yes, I`m that old, sue me), CD`s, DVD`s (you name it baby!!!). Feel free to send it by good old expensive (but not expansive) mail. Don`t forget to include a physical address otherwise, nada, no reviews. Now you know why the `Mastock newsletter` has a physical address these days ah, ah, ah.  
Contact address: 
Jason Rodgers
P.O. BOX 62

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