Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Short story time here !!!


It was eight o`clock Friday night, early august. Gerry was sitting on his front porch drinking his seventh beer. 

Or was it it`s ninth one? Not sure at all here. It was pouring rain outside. 

Gerry loved to look at the rain while drinking beer. He though it was beautiful and relaxing at the same time. Looking at all those small, tiny little pieces of water fall in near unison felt like Mother Nature was crying her heart out. Gerry knew a lot about crying. He was often crying inside his soul while smiling at people at the same time. 

In today`s highly evolved modern society there are still some taboos, things which seems unacceptable like seeing a grown man cry. Male, the alpha male is strong. He hides his emotions for it`s a sign of weakness. Gerry is not a happy man, he`s stuck with a chronic disease (sometimes the pain is unbearable, making life a living hell), he`s lonely, hates his job, hates his life, his whole existence. He often thought about suicide, fortunately he never reached the point of no-return. At times it seemed like something, someone prevented him from actually doing it. He felt bad when he thought about suicide. Gerry believed in God. When you`re a believer, suicide is not an option. Gerry was hungry. He got inside, opened the fridge, grabbed a slice of leftover pizza and went back outside. It tasted like crap because it was cold but he didn`t care. He took a small bite and felt observed. Someone was watching him. He couldn`t hear nothing except the soothing sounds of the rain. He looked around, nothing. He looked down and… There it was. A small red sparrow was sitting on the porch staring at him. 

Hey buddy you hungry? 
Want some pizza?                                                                               
      He takes a piece of dough and throws it on the floor. It eats it right away. The poor thing was probably starving. 
You like pizza?  
Want some more? 
Here you go my friend. 
Gerry suddenly realized that once you feed an animal it`s a contract, a commitment. It will be back tomorrow more likely at the same time. It made him smile. In this day and age when everything is chaotic, nothing is guaranteed anymore, uncertainty runs rampant it`s good to have some sort of regularity. Something you can count on. Suddenly it stopped raining the moon was slowly coming out. 

It was a full moon, big, beautiful,  and so close you could almost touch it. 

The sparrow chirped a while and left.
You`re welcome my friend.
See you tomorrow I hope.
Gerry started to cry, tears falling off his face.

He was crying because he was happy and angry at the same time. So many contradictory emotions deep down inside. He was angry at himself realizing there is still hope, salvation. Even in complete darkness there is a light somewhere you have to find it and keep on going. He also realized that angst, depression, negativity attracts darkness and more negativity. You throw garbage at the universe and it spews crap back at you i.e. karma. From now on things would be different he though. He didn`t like the pizza slice, it was cold but the sparrow ate it. It seemed to enjoy it. 

Maybe that`s the key to happiness, enjoy life`s simple pleasures. We take things for granted (like work, love, food, friendship, a place to stay) while there are people out there struggling for survival every minute, every seconds of their sole existence. It felt good like a new beginning in his life. He got up emptied his beer bottle in the sink and went to bed. From now on my inner sunshine will always shine, no more dark thoughts invading my heart and soul. He fell asleep with a smile on his face. There`s darkness and light, 

clouds and sunshine, 

yin and yang, 

there is hope, happiness for you and me.

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