I got this in the mail just before Christmas. Here`s a personal secret: I love getting stuff by the good old expensive mailing system. I come back from work exhausted, open my letterbox and lo and behold, I got a couple of small packages and letters. It gives me a boost of energy and all I want to do is look / read my mail all night long while drinking coffee. This is Node Pajomo`s winter 2014 edition. This is a half size, black & white, cut & paste, 28 pages long zine. The first part of NP is a list of contacts for: mail art contacts, time sensitive mail art projects, mail art exchange ongoing mail art projects, mail art exchange, postcard exchange, tape traders, zine seeking submissions, zine exchange, notice and collaborations. There`s tons of various contacts inside. It`s pretty damned amazing the numbers of underground and / or fringe artists. The second part of NP consists of various zines, chapbooks and music reviews. Note to senior PJM, I love Truman Bentley Jr`s weird homemade DVD`s. So if you ever consider getting rid of them, feel free to contact me, I`ll gladly reply. Last but not least, the piece de resistance folks. We end this with the `Audio Mail Art Project 3 – Indecipherable` compilation CD-R. You will hear music / noise from the likes of: Wheeling Ice, Animals Like Earthquakes, The Greschaks, T.J. Cuckoo, Danny Columbo, S/H/A/R/R/P/S. Edition Janus, Serse Luigetti, Breadwinter, Cold Boiled Dog, Dental Fricative, Minimal Frank, Henry C. Rial and Pedro Bericat. Contact:
Node Pajomo
P.O. B 2632
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