Thursday, 14 April 2016

Run For Omniphobia – assembly bill-109 (CD)

I got this one as a trade. RFO is a music / noise duo with Jay Howard (Synthesizer SH-101) and Edward Giles (guttertronics, tapes and pedals). Jay Howard is the mind behind Circuit Wound, Bacteria Cult, Circuit Refusal, Redwound, Run For Omniphobia and Wire Werewolves. I got scared reading the thank you section. They gave kudos to The Haters and Xome amongst others. Two big names in the world of experimental harsh noise. I was just hoping my poor ears would survive the aural nightmare (or so I though). The first listening experience is a surprise. It`s not your regular run of the mill relentless wall of noise. There`s four tracks (64.04 minutes) which would be:
1 – Polonium 210 (14.46 minutes) = a long, evolving piece of droning ambient noise minimalism.
2 – Stunt Double (17.21 minutes) = a dense, thick slowly moving track of ambient / lo-fi noise (snail noise perhaps).
3 – Gutterman research (16.05 minutes).
4 – men`s rea (15.52 minutes) = those two pieces are similar in styles. It`s a mix of sampled voices with lo-fi meditative ambient noise. A nice, chillout, relaxing schizophrenic listening experience. All jokes aside, I love this album. Another proof that you don`t need to bludgeon my ears to get my attention. Intelligent noise music that`s for sure. Contact address:
Wheelchair Full Of Old Men
P.O.Box 5418

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