Friday, 1 April 2016

Short Attention Span theatre (CD)

I got this one from Todd Z Glitter himself. This CD (24 tracks = 60.12 minutes) is a four way split with  Whisky Saintes, Nancy Regan Death Squad, T Z Glitter and Expletive Deleted. Let`s begin with:
Whiskey Saintes was Emily and T Z Glitter. You`ll hear six tracks of lo-fi noise rock with bluesy undertones. Minimal & stripped down Sonic Youth perhaps. Of particular notice is track # 4 `stripper song `the only piece where Todd sings. He should do this more often his raspy voice is perfect for this type of music.
Nancy Reagan Death Squad (More of T Z Glitter) offers nine tracks of intense lo-fi hardcore goodness.
T Z Glitter - `welcome to the Glitterdome` mini EP (tree songs). The music is a mixture of punk / metal / hardcore. Interesting.
Expletive Deleted = six tracks. How can I describe this one? The music is all over the place, experimenting with various styles: meditative ambient noise, experimental guitar works, experimental noise and Intellivision videogame noise orgy. Contact here:

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