Friday, 6 May 2016

Hirshima Yeah! # 134 April 2016 (zine)

I don`t want to sound redundant but I love this cut & paste, black & white, photocopied, monthly zine (five pages this time around). Let`s start with the `cynical and drunk` poetry department.  Favorite pieces this time around are
Old guard
Most of the old faces
Have gone;
Payment for the way
We have chosen to live.
Ahead of me,
I see a long and lonely road.
As the new regulars arrive,
I laugh,
Realizing that I am
One of the old guard now;
A relic,
Hanging on by
The skin of my teeth.
And for what?
The digital revolution
Living in the age
Of the digital revolution
Is crazy.
I write this poem on a smartphone
As people around me stare at laptops
And e-readers.
It all still seems like sci-fi to me,
But everything around it is the same;
The same old weezing public transport,
The same old prejudices,
The same old dull and dying world.
We are dinosaurs with shiny toys,
Blindly pawing our way
Towards extinction,
And finally
As you sip a beer
Somewhere else in the world,
I mourn your absence;
Although the last few
Times I saw you,
You were even then
A thousand miles away.
Simply beautiful. There`s our regular articles, like`13.82 billion years of hell ` (this time around Gary Simmons some music reviews), and `doctor Thornaby` (easier to understand after my eight beer). Nice short story (tourist) from our editor, Mark Ritchie. There is a nice selection of music and book reviews as well. Contact:
Mark Ritchie
94 Main Street
ML11 8AB

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